Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The mad tuesday

Talk about being back to school. The writer was still in his holiday mood as he's blogging this entry. You know, sometimes ppl just take quite sometime to accommodate to changes in life, esp when you just had a one month long holiday. Anyway...............

The writer decided during the bidding of his course that cramming his time table into 2 days of school would result in more free days in the week, thus a happier person (esp after some fulfilling sleep). But nevertheless, little did he take into consideration the effects of that crammed day. (ppl always think bout the benefit they could get, but not the cost at times), half thinking that it wouldn't be that bad afterall.

My TUES-day begins:

- Slept at 6am after continous studying for financial accounting quiz which he found out last min.
7.15am - woke up, bathed and breakfasted with parents

8 am - MRTed down to city hall, with international finance notes in hands. Currencies, derivatives and futures for later lessons

8.40 am - late for class, quiz started, hurriedly rushed like a mad dog to finish it, only to realise i goofed up the last section of the quiz!!

9.05 am - FA class, need to prepare for next quiz and project meeting for FA case presention

11.45 am - class ends. Grab some makan from pick and bite. Chop chop.

12 pm - Rushed to business block for international finance class (half the class was prob drowning in theories, many was witnessed staring at blank spaces and chewing off their fingers). Mid term exam next wk. first 5 chapters!!! ahhhhgggggggg

3.15pm - Class ends.

3.30pm - Rushed off for science and exploration class ( discussed about evolution, how we came from fish. hah my ancestor was a FISH ???!!! luohan ?? )

6.45 pm - Class ends. Prepares for discussion and agenda for entrepreneurial finance meeting.

7 pm - Entrepreneurial Finance meeting. Read up and research on companies.

8.15 pm - patron's day music practise at music lab (performing item for President coming to visit). Note down things to play. Next prac on sat and sun

10.30pm - clear up and chiaoz

12am - dinner

2am - blogging this entry.

tmr - international finance homework, read financial accounting, dinner and preparation for thurs FYP meeting.

"smu very siong meh?? okie what. normal lor" says some of my counterparts.

Sometimes the writer begins to understand what ppl meant by hallucinations. For those of you who don't know the meaning, it means, occassionally seeeing things that aren't really in existence at that point of time in front of you. i.e Bed and pillows popping up right before your eyes in the middle of a class OR lying on a hammock dozing off by the cool wind of the breeze (ya right!! wake up,!! it's the aircon).

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