Monday, January 14, 2008

Change address

Blogger's giving me probs so i decided to shift to

Saturday, January 12, 2008

missing details

It's an early sat afternoon now, sitting and relaxing in the library. Class 
"supposed" to start at 12pm, so poor me struggled to wake up after aobut
3 hrs of sleep to drag that half sleeping corpse to sch only to realise in the
mail that prof sent out a wk ago that class starts only at 2PM !!!
Not good, this is definitely NOT GOOD AT ALL !!  I could have rested
more, MORE. arggh. 
Talking about missing out details, this is what happens
when u glance through your emails, and not paying attention. Due to the
technology advances now adays, important msgs!! are sent
via a what i feel, rather filmsy medium, ie the email. It's scary 
sometimes that i think of it. Imagine your finger just decides to mis-behave that morning and click permanently delete, an un-told fate awaits you. Woe to technology sometimes. They are efficient, 
and yes, they EFFICIENTLY creates more work for the human race.

But nevertheless, all hope's ain't lost. I decided to reward myself by stoning therapy. 
It's amazing how helpful stoning is sometimes Shiok. I like the smu library, encased
by big pieces of glass with a view to the cityscape and the lush greeny in campus green,
in cosy carpets, nice quiet ambience, comfy chairs and tables with my lappy with soft jazz + a cuppa coffee. Perfect for stoning and self - reflection. Helps alot in this mad 
rush age. Can't help but keep thinking that in another few months time,i'll off working
my butt off in the working world, the next phase in life. Then there're my goals i want to
meet, the things i want to do, numerous but so little time. It calls for priorities. That's y
stoning helps to sort these thoughts out without the clutter and the noise ard. Anyway,
the next class is gene cell, an introduction to life sciences. I heard there'll be a trip to
malacca. woots!! Nvr been on an excursion for quite a long time, makes me feel like a
sec sch boy all over again. Oh how nicewere the days! off to class........


Friday, January 11, 2008

Hotmail is seriously quite problematic right after their latest version. This translates
into inefficiency which irritates a "after procrastinating so long and decided to work"
student like me which leads to more procrastination. It should be called HOG-MAIL. Hogging people. Blah.

Time flies, i don't feel 2008. Haven't been really updating, well.

Speedlight hunger camp
Had a blast of a time in camp. Nus PGP was not too bad except that the roomings were 
alittle inconvenient. Having seen some speedlighters sleeping outside their bunks after 
some of their lovely group members took their keys and retired for the night, wasn't a 
sight to behold. haha. Anyway, food was lovely and i think this time round we had quite 
decent food, games was quite fun esp the sabo and the water war. I think this camp in a sense achieved what i've hoped for in many aspects although personally i expected 
better, spiritually or at least to the level i hoped for, however God has His ways of working 
in his people. Had lotsa of positive feedback on the camp.

Through these years, i learnt alot especially through planning and conducting camps,
if you have a chance you should.The intricate details in going into the planning, the 
parties to coordinate, the activities to overlook, the contingency plans to look into, 
the addressing of the audience whether you feel like it or not (the term should feel scared or not scared), the spiritual aspect of the camp, the decisions to be made on the
spot whether it be a wise one or not etc etc etc all contributes to personal growth. 
Many of the skills i still find myself employing them in other areas of life. But often 
the sad thing about being a committee is that you'll often miss out the fun and bond
in camp. These are often the memories you'll hold years down the road in your life.
But both ways, you get to learn and experience different things. Anyway the song 
beautiful saviour keeps associating my memory to this camp. Maybe it's because we
sang it every other day during camp, if not it's attributed to the fact that i
was listening to this song whilst i was viewing the beautiful photos our
photographers captured.

Anyway here's some snippets:

On the bus to camp


Monday, January 07, 2008


YB came back for the few wks and finally met up for a group gathering with the guys and had a great time. Some pictures during shopping.

Monday, December 24, 2007

My regret

i've only one regret till this day, the regret of not buying a small point and shoot camera. Lost are the precious moments that passed me by. So, i'm really going to save and buy one soon. No more talk, action is what i need. SAVE SAVE !!

Fuji F31D i'm coming